In Fact when I was younger (about five years old) I believed that Turkeys lived exclusively in Turkey and that they ran their own government. Truly my love for Turkey's is greater than my love of all other birds in the animal kingdom. That isn't to say I haven't met an excellent quail or two... but I digest.
Having grown up in the desert where the average winter temperature is 60-75 (and with nary a Turkey in sight), there were always birds around. It wasn't until I moved to the more extreme New England climate that I realized that birds do disappear. But relax faithful bird watchers they come back once again heralding the return of warmth and spring!
Several new bird books came into the store and so I thought I would share them and some old favorites with you! Enjoy!
Written by Kevin Henkes ( of Lilly and other mouse books fame)
and illustrated by Laura Dronzek (who does a great job!)
Could this book make me want spring anymore! A colorful and wonderful read!
Sparrow Girl
By Sarah Pennypacker
illustrated by Yoko Tanaka
I love it when storybooks cover obscure moments in time and this one talks about a time in China's past when all the peasants were ordered to scare sparrows to death. It has an uplifting message inspired by some great artwork.
By Sarah Pennypacker
illustrated by Yoko Tanaka
I love it when storybooks cover obscure moments in time and this one talks about a time in China's past when all the peasants were ordered to scare sparrows to death. It has an uplifting message inspired by some great artwork.
Written and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell
So admittedly this book is about autumn and a little kitty of mutts fame helping a little lost bird find its way south. But is probably one of my favorite bird books of all time.
So admittedly this book is about autumn and a little kitty of mutts fame helping a little lost bird find its way south. But is probably one of my favorite bird books of all time.
Hug Time
Also by Patrick McDonnell
Even if you are in your worst mood reading this book will make you smile and if not want to hug a turkey, hug a good friend.
Also by Patrick McDonnell
Even if you are in your worst mood reading this book will make you smile and if not want to hug a turkey, hug a good friend.
And last but not least...
Hug a Bug
Written by Eileen Spinelli
And Illustrated by Dan Andreasen
Such a great book! You will read it, love it and of course Hug it!
Well thanks for stopping by readers!
If you see a turkey give it a hug for me!
Another bookseller!
Hug a Bug
Written by Eileen Spinelli
And Illustrated by Dan Andreasen
Such a great book! You will read it, love it and of course Hug it!
Well thanks for stopping by readers!
If you see a turkey give it a hug for me!
Another bookseller!
I'll hug a turkey for you any time!